One Who Wakes | John Mark Stroud


Christ Vision

Vimeo Christ Vision.003Have you truly considered what God sees when he looks at you? The mind may first offer the “correct” answer by saying He sees perfection, or innocence, but then it will remind you of some flaw or failing, and thus is revealed how you see yourself. In this dialogue about Christ Vision, John Mark provides the symbol of a blank sheet of paper to remind us of the pure, and fully allowing Consciousness that is our True Being. We write our story – any version we choose – on this blank sheet of paper. All is accepted, all is allowed, … Read More >

The Truth is IN there – Seek not outside yourself

This illusion lingers because we think we are less than everything. We would not be in the experience of the dream unless we believed we were lacking, and the world held something that could make us whole. And so we search for idols, seeking what must fail, in complete denial of Truth. God dwells within, and our completion lies with Him. Our holy minds are alters unto Him, and where He dwells no idols can abide. John Mark shares examples of his own search for idols and the inward journey that brought him home to Heaven, the only place where

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